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Machine Learning benchmarking with OpenStack and Kubernetes, Shanghai OpenInfra summit
I’ve done a talk “Machine Learning benchmarking with OpenStack and Kubernetes” at Open Infrastructure Summit Shanghai 2019, November 4.
Deep Learning and Cloud Platforms are transforming the field of Machine Learning from theory to practice. However, implementation differences across frameworks and inference engines make the comparison of benchmark results difficult. SPEC and TPCC benchmarks are not accurate due to the complex interactions between implementation choices such as batch size, hyperparameters, or numerical precision. To address this complexity requires systematic benchmarking that is both representative of real-world use cases and valid across different software/hardware platforms.
How OpenStack enables Face Recognition with GPUs and FPGAs
I’ve done a talk “How OpenStack enables Face Recognition with GPUs and FPGAs” at OpenStack Day CERN 2019, May 27.
Have you ever puzzled over the name of someone in a group picture? Now, thanks to OpenStack and TensorFlow, you don’t have to puzzle any more! In this talk, we will demonstrate a Face Recognition program that can identify that familiar face for you. We’ll also open the hood and show you how a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) and Field-programmable gate array (FPGA) can be used with OpenStack to maximize the speed and accuracy of Face Recognition.